Irish Wolfhound Clubs

Irish Wolfhound Club of America
National/Parent Club

AKC Regional Irish Wolfhound Clubs in the U.S.

Irish Wolfhound Association of New England (IWANE)
Irish Wolfhound Association of the Delaware Valley (IWADV)
Irish Wolfhound Association of the Garden State (IWAGS)
Irish Wolfhound Association of the West Coast (IWAWC)
Irish Wolfhound Club of Puget Sound (IWCPS)
Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club (NCIWC)
Northstar Irish Wolfhound Club (NIWC)
Potomac Valley Irish Wolfhound Club (PVIWC)
Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association (RMIWA)

Regional Irish Wolfhound Clubs in the U.S.

International Irish Wolfhound Clubs